Windfarm development in sweden
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Windfarms and eagles
The figure shows the golden eagle locations overlaid on the Map of Sweden. The left figure shows the existing wind farms and the figure to the right shows the proposed wind farms. Data source: |
Stora Rötliden windfarm
The Stora Rötliden Wind farm is located in the North of Sweden,
An adult pair nesting close to the Stora Rötliden area was equipped with GPS transmitters in 2010. Since then, we have been studying their movement patterns in the area. We study their habitat use, movement patterns, flight behaviour, breeding and other ecological aspects in and around the wind farm area.
An adult pair nesting close to the Stora Rötliden area was equipped with GPS transmitters in 2010. Since then, we have been studying their movement patterns in the area. We study their habitat use, movement patterns, flight behaviour, breeding and other ecological aspects in and around the wind farm area.
Flight heights
The flight heights (in meters) are generally derived from the height measurements obtained from the GPS transmitter and actual heights or AGL (above ground level heights) are obtained after calibrations and correcting the GPS errors. The flights heights of the eagle pair in the Stora Rötliden area, both inside and 1500m outside the wind farm are shown in the figure below. Red lines denote the female and male is denoted in blue. The rotor height range is also shown above the wind farm. |
Related Published Literature from the project: Rebecka Hedfors (2014) Movement ecology of Golden eagles (Aquila crysaetos) and risks associated with wind farm development. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
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